Arkansas Verdigris Valley Health Centers

Telehealth & Teletherapy:

Telehealth and teletherapy connect patients to vital health care services through video calls over a computer or smartphone. AVV providers offer virtual visits to ensure patients receive the care they the need at the times they need.

About Our Telehealth Services

The Benefits of Telehealth and Teletherapy

  • Convenience: Virtual visits eliminate the need for long waiting hours, travel time, and transportation costs, providing easy access to care, especially for individuals living in remote areas.
  • Improved patient experience: Telehealth visits can provide better patient satisfaction as patients have more options, flexibility, and control over when they can meet with their providers.
  • Avoid the risk of infection: Patients with compromised immune systems have a reduced risk of exposure to viral and bacterial infections because they can avoid crowded waiting rooms.
  • Better management of long-term health needs: Patients with chronic health concerns can have quicker access to their healthcare provider. This may prevent worsening of health that could lead to hospitalization. 
African American mother and son having video call with a doctor from home.
Caring mother getting good news from a doctor on a video call
Scheduling Telehealth Visits

How to Schedule a Telehealth Visit

Telehealth and teletherapy appointments have been gaining popularity due to their convenience, safety, and cost-effectiveness. At AVV Health Centers, we make it easy for our patients to schedule telehealth appointments.

To schedule a telehealth appointment, call 877-480-0111 and request a virtual visit. Our staff will guide you through the process and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Your health matters to all of us at AVV Health Center

Please give us a call at 1-877-480-0111 to make an appointment to discuss your healthcare needs!

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