Arkansas Verdigris Valley Health Centers

Substance Abuse Treatment

AVV Health Centers offer MAT (medication assisted treatment) services for opioid use disorder or alcohol abuse.


Substance Abuse Services

These programs include the opportunity for counseling services, medication to assist in managing addiction, and creating a comprehensive health plan to treat current conditions and discuss recommended preventative measures such as cholesterol checks or colon cancer screening. MAT services are generally covered by Medicaid and private insurance programs.

Road to recovery
Meeting with counselor
Setting goals for recovery

Individualized treatment plans

Coordinating with our mental health partners, AVV Health Centers will assist our patients with placement for the purpose of detoxification from alcohol or substances of abuse. Patients have individualized treatment plans, focused on meeting their goals for recovery. 

This includes:

  • Peer recovery support groups
  • Individual Behavioral Health sessions
  • Medication management
  • Overall medical wellness
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